Thursday, August 20, 2015

I can't stay quiet

I have always rooted for the underdogs. I want to see justice happen. Wrongs made right. At times, in my pursuit to see justice, I forget grace. I forget compassion.

I think that is partially why I hold back from speaking. I worry that I'm not qualified. I don't want to appear a hypocrite. I fear what people will think of me. Or I fear that I am over the top, maybe I'm too much truth. I try to err on the side of grace, since I know it's my inclination to be truth.

Today I need to speak. I am pro human, in utero and out. I am for the down trodden, the lowly, the rejected, the ones in crisis. I want to see each person valued and loved, because they are made in the image of God. I want to be for unborn children, as much as I am for pregnant teenagers, single moms, prostitutes, disabled children, and all those marginalized.

I have read many people say that Pro Life supporters only care about unborn children. I don't want to be that way. And I fear that maybe, it is how I can come across. It is how the church can come across. We should be known as for all people. I fear how I will come across if I say that I am Pro Life. Do I look like I am one sided? Am I for the pregnant teen, as much as I am for the life she carries? Am I willing to stand by, support, care for those down trodden? Am I putting my money where my mouth is?

I realized tonight that I was feeling shame and fear. Maybe I shouldn't participate in the National Day of Protest on Saturday. Maybe I don't do enough. I haven't adopted a baby or done foster care. Have I done enough to help those in crisis? Maybe I should be quiet until I've done more? Then I will have earned the right to speak. Am I all talk?

I realized this isn't right. I need to speak up about the wrong that is happening. I can't be quiet and complicit. And I also should act. Not just protesting, but acting out God's grace and mercy to those in crisis around me. It's not and/or, but both. Hiding behind shame or fear, is not what God wants for me. He wants me to be humble and obedient.

Church, we need to speak out about the terrible things happening at Planned Parenthood. We shouldn't avert our eyes, cover our ears, and pretend it's not there. We know what is happening. We can't be complicit. We can't worry about what others will think about us, or the ridicule we will receive.

Church, we also need to act. Not just speak words, or post on Facebook. We need to be active in the lives of the hurting. What does that look like? I think it depends on you. Right now, I'm a mostly stay-at-home-mom. We live on a really tight budget. I have donated many of my baby items to the local crisis pregnancy center, Options 360, where they have classes for new moms and help provide for their needs. Another great way to support mom and children around the world is through Compassion's Child Survival Center. This programs helps pregnant moms and babies survive through birth to five years: immunizations, education, basic nutrition, supplies, etc. Or perhaps it is through Young Lives, which mentors young women who are pregnant or have children. My good friend has served with this group, and we have simply helped provide a meal for their monthly meeting. There are many ways to help, that aren't just  about giving money, but they do take time and sacrifice. Where is God calling you to serve?

Tonight was a good reminder for me to not only speak but act. I need to act today, but also continue to give and serve when people have long forgotten the latest news stories. There will always be someone in crisis, and I need to be Jesus' hands and feet. I am glad that I questioned my motives and my heart. I'm glad I felt the renewed passion to write. And I'm glad that I felt uncomfortable and convicted to be Pro Human for all people, large and small, in utero or out. Just like Dr. Seuss says, "A person's a person, no matter how small." And I am for people.

If you would like to join me this Saturday morning, the 22nd, I will be attending the National Day of Protest at the Planned Parenthood, 11516 SE Mill Plain BLVD, from 9-11am. This protest is happening across the country in order to raise awareness. Below are several excellent articles that address not only abortion, but what our response should be:

An Honest Conversation about Abortion by Ann Voskamp
Planned Parenthood: Invitation, Explanation, Indignation
7th Planned Parenthood Video and 4 FAQs

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