Sunday, January 11, 2015

How I met my husband.... Otherwise known as, the day he stood up.

My last post was pretty deep and emotionally heavy. I decided that today's post would be a little lighter and definitely shorter! I'm still on the reminiscing kick since my 6 year anniversary is on Saturday the 17th. One of my favorite stories is how I met my husband.

We were from two different worlds. If it hadn't been for a mutual friend, we would have never met. I met Kim in January of 2004 at the Cascade Campus of Portland Community College. A group of my friends would hang out in the cafeteria between classes. When I first was introduced to Kim, he had the typical 'bowl' haircut. We exchanged pleasantries. But I didn't pay much attention to him.

The second time I saw Kim, he had cut his hair and I didn't even realize it was the same person! We would hangout: talk, play card games, eat. I thought he was cute, but I wrote him off because he was Asian. And as you all know, Asians are short. I had never stood next to Kim. We normally were sitting around one of the cafeteria tables. I assumed, which totally made me out to be a ass, that Kim had to be short. 

One day, I was complaining to some of the gals at the table that there were NO tall guys. Everyone was shorter than me. One of the guys, said that Kim was tall. I didn't believe him. I'm pretty sure I even said out loud, that there was no way that Kim was as tall as me or even taller. So I made Kim stand up. And being the sweet, compliant guy that he is, he did. 

Not only was a wrong, but he was just a little taller than me. I had to eat humble pie. And Kim became even cuter!

From that point on, I was pretty smitten with him. Add all the other amazing characteristics: funny, sweet, kind, respectful, hard working, and a teaser, and I was a goner. That boy stole my heart the day he stood up.

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