Sunday, January 4, 2015

You know what really grinds my gears?

This post is a slight rant. Ok, maybe a full on rant, but I think it needs to be said. I get a little frustrated when I see this picture, and similar ones on Pinterest.

In general, I agree with the statement. Children shouldn't be the excuse for not working out. You should workout so that you can keep up with them and be the healthiest mom you can be. Working out is good for your body and mind. It can help keep you sane!

At the same time, I feel like this little phrase gets thrown around as if, you should look the same, workout the same, have the same expectations as you did before kids. Nothing should change just because you have kids. And that's a load of B.S.

Having young kids completely changes your world. It normally revolves around them: nap time, feedings, diaper changes, snuggle time, book time, tantrum time, etc. If you're a working mom, or have multiple kids, or any other reason, it can get even harder! So the fact, you are able to get a workout in, is freaking amazing!

Kids are a reason, you are exhausted. There's no way, I'm waking up early to workout. I normally, am praying that Tali will sleep till 7am. Normally she is awake at 6am. And of course, she was up at least once during the night. Then there's the oldest one, who generally speaking, sleeps through the night, but not always. Straight sleep? Yeah, right. On a side note, I love how one of the primary ways to help lose weight is getting enough sleep. Ha. Ha. Ha. That's funny. And it's not going to happen. Can I get a 'Amen'?

Kids are a reason your workouts won't look the same. This year I am committed to working out at least 5 times a week. When my husband is home I can get a straight workout in. That's one day out of the week, the other four days I'm on my own. My goal is to get Tali down for her morning nap, then start my workout. I might have 30 minutes to workout, quickly take a 5 minute shower, before she wakes up again. Most days, I have to improvise. Ten minutes here, another fifteen there, maybe some stretching or squats while making dinner. Most of the time I have to stop midway to help someone go to the bathroom, change a poopy diaper, stop the baby from playing in the dog's dish. You get the picture. Working out isn't the same with kids. It's not an excuse, just a reality.

Kids are the reason you probably won't look the same. Even if I lost all the weight that I want, and became very fit, I would still not look the same. I have stretch marks. I'm pretty sure my hips are permanently wider. I don't think you can give birth to two 9 pound girls and not have some type of permanent change to your body. Things change. That's ok.

Kids are the reason that your priorities shift. I want to be healthy and strong. At the same time, I want to model for my daughters that I don't hate my body just because it's not what it used to be. I don't want them to see my shame my body. I want them to see me exercise, eat right, and be positive. I also want them to realize that they are my greatest gifts. So if Jessie wants me to snuggle when I was hoping to workout, I'm choosing snuggle time. I won't get that time back. If Tali needs me, I'm there. If I was up most of the night with two sick girls, working out can wait for another day. Priorities change when you have kids.

Kids are a reason. They aren't an excuse. Sometimes it requires ingenuity and adaptation to workout. Sometimes it means changing your old way of thinking. Once you have kids, your life is never the same. It is forever changed for the good. Children are a blessing. And I want to be there for all the amazing moments ahead. Which is why I work out. I eat healthy. I choose not to get frustrated when my workouts get cut short, or I don't look the same.

This post is merely meant to be a shout out to the reality. Life with kids is an ever changing, amazing, hard, crazy world. Do your best. And enjoy the ride!

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