Monday, October 20, 2014

30 minutes of torture.

I started having sciatic pain the month before I got pregnant with Tali. I thought I was running too much, so I laid off of running and went to a chiropractor. Then I got pregnant. And the sciatic pain got worse. Two chiropractors, one doctor, a acupuncturist, a physical therapist, and three months later, I was just starting on the road to being able to walk normally. Pregnancy threw my body off even more. So throughout the rest of my pregnancy I did the prescribed exercises, walked, and did a little swimming to keep my body in the best shape I could while managing the constant pain.

I thought my leg pain was the result of pregnancy. Many woman have sciatic pain during pregnancy. It wasn't until after I had Tali and the pain returned with a vengeance that I realized something was truly wrong. Three chiropractors, a new physical therapist, and four months after Tali was born I had a MRI. Yes, there was something wrong. I had two herniated discs, one of  which was pushing on my nerve root.

After waiting for over a month and half to get into to see a specialist I have finally had a cortizone shot in my spine this past Friday. For the next two weeks, I'm supposed to take it easy but try and do as normal of activities as possible. I have not worked out in 6 months. I've done little strength exercises but not a full 30 minutes cardio exercise program.

Today I did a workout by Jessica Smith TV. She has lots of different workouts from HIIT to low impact to barre. I picked a low impact, 30 minute workout; nothing too crazy until I get the ok from the doctor. It kicked my butt. These were my thoughts:

"This is ridiculous."

"It's shouldn't be this hard."

"Remember when you could run for 4 miles at a time."

"My thighs are burning! My arms are aching! Sports bras are not supportive enough for nursing moms!!!"

But I finished it. I didn't do all of the bending and twisting motions. Mostly because I'm scared I'll herniate my back more. And I couldn't keep my arms going for the entire time Jessica did. BUT I did 30 minutes of cardio exercise, with only a little bit of pain.

I'm calling today a success. I feel better this afternoon, just knowing that I took another step towards being stronger and healthier. We'll see how I feel by the end of the day, or tomorrow morning. Hopefully my back will continue to heal, so that I can work strengthening my body, and keeping my back in the best shape it can be.

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